Saturday, January 1, 2011

"New Year". Away from home.

Ya Mo
     New Year 2011 is finally here. 2010 brought sweet & bitter memories. All of them "precious" lessons, exclusively for us. May it good or bad, it was them create us as what we are. Those experiences initiate our thought, act & emotion as well. Perhaps 2011, we'll be tougher, wiser & mature in our thought, act & emotion.

     31 Dec dah start cuti, Jumaat. 11.30am aku bersiap mencari Tuk Tuk nak ke Maharat. Sesuatu perlu diselesaikan disana. Balik aku dah kalut, sbb tak nampak Tuk Tuk, tried to call taxi, but nobody there. Cuti gak kot derang. Gelabah, then a lady and a young girl with hijab with Muqaddam in their hand waving their hand in a way that i understood as "come here". It took some time after i realize that they are "Makcik Roti Canai & anaknya". Syukur.. maybe they have what i want.
mak cik itu & anaknya

     With only a few important words that i know, i tried to ask them how to go back to Nom Phai Lom. as i know they live there too. but then they ask me to join them to shopping at Ya Mo. and suddenly, i join them. we took Songtel no.4 to Ya Mo. Tailing them to the "Carnival", then go back by Songtel no.14.

tembok lama yg masih utuh

     Confirm aku bosan klu stay dalam bilik jer mlm nie, aku balik bilik jap, p toilet then, kembali menunggu songtel 14 ke Ya Mo for countdown. Selama ni takde langsung terfikir nak celebrate new year, paling hebat pun, pergi tengok wayang. Mungkin sbb kebosanan melampau, so aku beriya nak celebrate, walaupun sorang-sorang.

     Hasilnya, seperti diatas. Kaki lenguh yang amat. tapi kenyang melantak Kao Niao (nasi pulut) bersama ayam yang dijual oleh wanita muslim yang boleh berbahasa kelantan sket2.

    Balik kena "pow" ngan tuk tuk driver. 100THB

    Kesimpulannya, so-so jer countdown tu. So lain kali tak payah lah mengada-ngada nak pergi.
tapi.. Kalau kita tak cuba, kita takkan tau kan?..

... tapi bukan semua benda boleh dicuba tau?..


  1. kan...x semua boleh dicuba kah?

    btw i loike ur pics...vr artistic gituh...
    nape x post pic trip kami ke bkk?!?!?!?!?
